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Heather Evans Smith

"I want my photographs to tell stories. And I want stories that come from moments of life, like a still from an old movie. Movement and pain and the simple joys of being alive are frozen in time. Only a glance is needed to read the lines between people and find the story."

Finding the story is what I find so enticing about looking at Evans Smith's photographs. The details in her series titled, "Alterations," dedicated to the memory of her grandmother to the unique display of motherhood in the "Heart and the Heavy," Evans Smith uses props that are relatable, yet from the viewpoint as if seeing these familiar objects for the first time. This newness is in how each object carries it's meaning and is photographed in such a warm, yet sometimes eerie setting.

Evans Smith beautifully wrote of her work stating, "Life is full of stories- some deeply personal and specific, others universally relatable. My story is beautiful and complicated and bittersweet and hard. Life is just that way. So are photographs."

However bittersweet or hard, I am thankful for Evans Smith sharing her story.

© Heather Evans Smith

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