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Deborah Sheedy

"Usually, dust, fingerprints and out-of-focus images are seen as mistakes in photography, yet for Sheedy, these elements are magnified and glorified. Here, imperfections become layers of texture and add substance, character and consistency to her work," states Lisa Miquet of Deborah Sheedy's images. And she is correct.

As a student of film photography, I can recall countless times which I tried to rid a negative of a scratch with oils or used pigment paint to painstakingly match the black hues of a printed image. All just to hide the obvious white lint that unknowingly to me, laid on my film.

But not Sheedy. As a photographer, she uses what most see as an imperfection to enhance the mystery of the images she has already carefully choreographed. The dust and scratches give way to the story of the dark blur and add to the level of what intrigues. Images are classified into series, but all hold the same feel of a story line. Viewing these images leads to feelings of wanting to get closer to study what perhaps is there, just out of view. I want to be suspended among the dust and blur. I find myself caught up in wanting to understand the story and in doing so, most satisfy my need by giving the images my own personal story.

Hopefully, you can come up with intriguingly satisfying plots just as I have.

© Deborah Sheedy

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