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Bärbel Reinhard

"Element's existence does not precede the existence of the whole, it comes neither before nor after it, for the parts do not determine the pattern but the pattern determines the parts. Knowledge of the pattern and of its laws, of the set and its structure, could not possibly be derived from discrete knowledge of the single elements that compose it."

Bärbel Reinhard is a German photographer residing in Florence, Italy. Reinhard creates surreal imagery that juxtaposes objects that seemingly have no relation to one another. What is above and below or inanimate and alive, mesh together with obvious seams, but yet still obtain the ability to flow gently. Reinhard refers to these as non-linear storyboards. Reinhard hangs her work in non traditional fashions where underlying images stretch across large walls and doorways with no boundaries or frames, while smaller images are placed throughout the larger piece. Viewers get to experience both large and small scale intimate works in one piece, allowing the viewer to walk around the space to experience one image, differing from standing in front of a framed piece for viewing.

"The problem of time is like the obscurity of the sky. Every thing is embedded in its own time. Events can be grouped and their time overlapping, but the time they have in common cannot be reduced to one instant together." ~John Berger

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