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Brandon Thibodeaux

After being introduced to Brandon Thibodeaux's photography by a friend of Mother F Stop, we have been a fan of his work for some time now and have enjoyed seeing his imagery gain the success and attention that it deserves. We are excited to showcase his first monograph, In the Land of Perfect Day, published by Red Hook Editions, a project he has photographed for the past eight years. Please read an excerpt of his artist statement for this project and book provided below. Also, please be sure to check out his website to see more of Brandon's artwork AND to purchase this beautiful book ( there is also a Special Edition with Fine Art Prints).

Photographer Brandon Thibodeaux’s first monograph, In That Land of Perfect Day, presents tales of strength against struggle, humility amidst pride, and a promise for deliverance in the lives he has come to know. For over eight years, he roamed a forty-square mile area in the Mississippi Delta, learning about the region’s history and the contemporary experience of its residents. While this work makes specific reference to rural African American life, his images remind us that these themes of faith, identity, and perseverance are common to us all.

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